Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Award Winning Teacher Blog.

Ms. Cassidy's Classroom is a blog intended for sharing content with parents of her first grade students and other educators. She shares posts about daily happenings in her room. She also collects anecdotes of each child's learning on this site. I believe that she has the children create their own blogs, and post certain things to this blog. These anecdotes include drawings, videos, images of the child participating in something. This provides parents with easy access to what their child is doing in the classroom. It also helps the teacher keep up with important anecdotes that may become lost in the classroom. While the posts that are currently featured are from the very first of the year, the work samples are small and the children are spending much time simply learning routines. I see this blog becoming more of a staple of their classroom learning as the children progress through the school year.

Here are some images shared as anecdotes:

Here are some  images shared as whole class blog posts: 

I feel that this very beneficial for certain classrooms and grade levels. It certainly works well for this teacher. While her organization is wonderful and her pictures are cute as a button, I would worry about confidentiality with this blog. I know nothing about these children, but their images are posted online for the whole world to see. I would probably use a password protected blog, if anything. I would also not require the students to make and keep up with their own blogs, but my four year olds are on a much different level than these first graders. I like the idea of keeping up with anecdotes digitally, but again would keep them on a password protected blog or mobile application such as Seesaw. My question would be about how to make these "edublogs" private. I know there is a setting on Blogger (or there use to be) to make people put in a password when loading the page, but not sure about "edublog".

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